Exogenous Organic Matter visualisation tool
This repository contains the R and Rshiny scripts needed to run the EOM4SOIL visualisation tool. This user-friendly software allows for the dissemination of EOM references at the national and European levels to public authorities and EOM sector partners. This interactive tool enables users to explore and analyze the diverse physicochemical properties of EOM types contained in the "Physico-chemical Characteristics of External Organic Matters" database (datapaper in progress). The software allows for dynamic filtering and visualization of data, providing users with customized graphical representations of EOM. By offering an intuitive interface, the application supports policymakers, scientists, and other stakeholders in making informed decisions by visualizing complex datasets in a clear and accessible manner.
To cite this tool, please use the following Zenodo DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.13805742
This tool is based on the "Physico-chemical Characteristics of External Organic Matters" database, developped in the EOM4SOIL project. To cite this database, please the following Zenodo DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.13969793
The Shiny app is comprised of ten distinct R scripts, which are organized as follows: two support scripts, four UI scripts, three server scripts, and one global script, which serves to integrate all other components.
The two support scripts are a configuration file (config.R) and a function file (func.R). The configuration file calls upon the necessary packages and data, while the function file contains the functions that are used throughout the software. By externalising these functionalities, we can facilitate code maintenance and improvements without compromising the overall architectural integrity. The UI scripts encapsulate the user interface, including drop-down menus, checkboxes, buttons, and other elements. The Shiny app has four user interface scripts, which are coded separately for each of the four tabs. The server scripts perform the back-end operations of the software. They can generate dynamic drop-down and checkbox menus, filter the database, and produce output based on the user's inputs.